CEE Property Development Portfolio 2 a.s. with its registered office Olbrachtova 1929/62, 14000 Prague 4, has been incorporated in the Commercial Register administered by the Municipal Court in Prague, Section B, entry no. 20079 under Identification number 03490131.

CEE Property Development Portfolio 2 a.s. with its registered office at Olbrachtova 1929/62, PSČ 140 00, Identification No: 034 90 131 as a managed entity is the member of concern Financial Group of Česká spořitelna. The managing entity of concern Financial Group of Česká spořitelna is Česká spořitelna, a.s., with its registered office at Prague 4, Olbrachtova 1929/62, Post Code 140 00, Identification No: 45244782
CPDP 2003 s.r.o.
Olbrachtova 1929/62, Krč, 140 00 Praha 4
IČO: 27076750

CEE Property Development Portfolio 2 a.s.
CEE Property Development Portfolio 2 a.s. ("CPDP2") is an asset management company, part of  Financial Group of Česká spořitelna.
Our projects
Olbrachtova 1929/62, Praha 4, 140 00 Czech Republic, email: Info@cpdp2.eu